Monday, November 24, 2008

Wednesday Assignments

Before Thanksgiving break, you have two assignments due:
  1. LRJ #2 on Antigone
  2. Antigone paper
Both assignments are due on Wednesday. You can decide if you post them on your blog or if you hand them in as a hard copy, but for either case--formal Standard Academic English applies, as does MLA format (to the best of your ability on the blog).

For a Sample Works Cited, refer to the class wiki.


Ruthie said...

I just finished my LRJ #2, and posted it on my blog, but I'm not sure how to underline words, so I italicized instead. Is that okay? It also didn't let me indent.

Julian Teeple said...

How long does the paper have to be? Sorry, i think I have asked this several times, but yet I am confused on word count. I have about 300 words already, and I know the second LRJ needs about that much. So how long does the formal paper need to be? Or just enough to get your point across? Im currently on the second paragraph and already have 300 words, so that doesn't seem right to have it be only 300.

Emma Holmes said...

I am having trouble citing the paragraph numbers from the first internet source. I was wondering if you could put the second (or both) links to the Antigone text on here or on the wiki please?

L. M. Peifer said...

Ruthie--Yes, it is okay if you italicized. I know it won't let you indent. It is a little annoying, yes? We'll have to just skip a line in between paragraphs. It isn't perfect, but it is a start.

L. M. Peifer said...

Julian--I assume most people will write more than 300 words. It has to be at least that long, but feel free to write more!

L. M. Peifer said...

Emma--the second link is already on the wiki. I attached it today in class. On the wiki, there are two Antigone links. The first says without line numbers, the second says with line numbers. Check it out! :)

Emma Holmes said...

Thanks, I found it. Also, about the formatting details of the blog, for some reason it won't let me write website urls in the works cited part. I think this is probably just a flaw in part of my blog, but if there's a shortcut or something that you know, it would help a lot. Thank you.

Ceeco said...

Waitttt, is it now due by 10:00 PM tomorrow?