The first blog post assignment is to tell us about your previous technology experience, your first impressions of setting up this blog, and how you think technology could work in school. Please remember that this is a school assignment so you will graded on content, thoughtfulness, and--of course--correct grammar and use of standard academic English.
Blogger does underline words that are misspelled so keep your eye out for that red line when you are typing. It could be as simple as capitalizing! If you need to edit your entires, go into customize, posting, and then edit posts. Then you can choose the entry you want to either view, edit, or look at the comments--or delete an entry.
If you have any questions about this process, please let me know!
Also, don't forget to cite anything that you are using from a different source--including pictures you get from the web.
Picture: http://tinyurl.com/553doy
sorry ms. Peifer I thought this was all fun I'll fix it tonight sorry!!!
This blog is very helpful for reviewing what we did in class today, thanks!
I just wanted to let you know I won't be in class tomorrow, I am going on the chemistry field trip. I'm so sorry I didn't let you know today- haha I got distracted with our fun discussion and learning about your experiences in South Korea. I'll also send you an email, but I can also ask my class mates what we did during class. Once again I'm sorry- have a good weekend!
Is this assingment going in the grade book or was it just to get us started? Because if it is for a grade then I think I should probably edit mine
Cheese and rice! That picture of your brother and the dragonfly is really cool. Sorry the comment isn't relevant to the blogs, I just really liked the picture.
Jessica, yes the assignment is going into the grade book.
"Beto," thanks for the comment on the dragonfly picture. It is one of my favorites too. :) What do you mean "cheese and rice"? (Rice I get, cheese--do you mean smile?)
No, it's form an older movie that was edited so that the character said " Cheese and Rice!" instead of "Jesus Christ."
I was wondering; for the Antigone essay, is that supposed to be on our blog or just on paper?
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